HO scale Union Pacific 'Challenger' Project Update | ![]() |
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Availability: This project is under development, if you are interested in additional information please send an inquiry to ho@kohs.com. If you are already a customer of Kohs & Company, please note that in the subject line of your message and include your name if it is not part of your email address, we should already have the balance of your contact information. Non-customers plase also include your postal mailing address in your message. Complete project information will be mailed as soon as the project brochure and ordering information are ready.
Price: $3,250.00USD (estimated) Versions Offered: 14 Production Quantity: 150 7/03/23 - I am happy to report that the selected builder for this project has survived the COVID experience and is viable to continue with project work. He is in the process of reestablishing supply sources for raw materials just as I am working to determine the availability of precision components that I need to supply. The next step in the process will be to establish scheduling for the work previously committed to which includes our HO Challenger. It is difficult to explain just how important this news is considering what COVID has done to the builder community in South Korea and China. I am hopeful that positive news will continue to flow in this direction! 2/12/23 - Please see the 2/12/23 update on the General News page of this website. Project specific updates will continue to be posted to the individual project sites. Many thanks for your interest! 7/01/21 - This project too has been seriously impacted by the COVID situation and this update is simply to reassure the many interested modelers continuing to ask about my first HO project that my intentions have not changed. As with all of my planned projects, development work has continued during the pandemic, but unlike most of the other projects, the research phase is well in hand and requires little more work. The development emphasis has been on bringing as many of our O scale design characteristics and features to this project as possible, the point of doing the project in the first place. Experimentation has been taking place by the builder to make certain and quite frankly prove to me that he is capable of executing my vision for this project. My confidence at this point is far great than it was approximately twelve months ago, I am asking a lot of the builder and we both understand that. This project is a grand experiment for me, contemplated for nearly twenty years, but for the builder, it will be a game changer and will establish him as the true leader in the scale. This all sounds very dramatic and for us it is, if what we are undertaking was easy, we wouldn't be the first to try. As I have outlined on the General News page in recent months, I await the opportunity to travel overseas so that my usual hands-on approach to projects can be undertaken once again. If this is a project of interest for you, please check the General News page regularly for the latest information and my current efforts to get back to a normal operation. As always, your interest is sincerely appreciated! 3/31/20 - My best laid plans often don't work out as planned and so it is with the planning for this project. The next round of in-person discussions with the builder of choice were planned for just before the holiday, but unfortunately, I started receiving negative travel advisories from the US State Department as I was looking to book a flight. The negative advisories lead to early warnings about the virus situation and then to the travel ban for South Korea and China. I have maintained communication with all the builders that I know, both friends and associates as they weathered the virus 'storm' and thankfully, they have all survived. Now we have a travel ban here in the states preventing travel to Asia which makes for further delays. In an effort to minimize the further disruption and economic damage the situation has created for the builders, our planning will now continue long-distance until I am able to travel again. The time has not been a total loss, additional time has been spent reviewing previously produced models and evaluating what were the innovations of the day in past years. I will hopefully be able to post more timely achievement news going forward. Time will also be spent promoting the project to make sure that once we are ready there will be adequate support despite the virus situation. If this is a project of interest for you, spread the word in an effort to make our Challenger possible! 9/18/19 - It has been a number of months since the last update on this project, but it's not for a lack of effort or interest. From the requests for input and ideas from interested modelers made in my previous posts has come a vast amount of information that had to organized first and then evaluated. Referenced examples have been and are being sought out for review so judgments can be made about the value of the comments offered. This is not a fast process, but it has been an extremely valuable exercise so far and I plan to see it through until all the issues and ideas raised have been addressed in one way or the other. A sincere thank you goes out to those that have taken the time to offer constructive comments and suggestions or that have offered the loan of example models, that will not be forgotten when the completed models become available. I expect that updates will become more frequent going forward and it's not too late to offer constructive comments and suggestions. 1/23/19 - While the prototype replication data has been under review and is being updated to reflect the latest findings, an equally important aspect of the project has been under way for a number of weeks now, that being the modeling aspects of the project. To explain further, the sole purpose of this project has been to develop a state-of-the-art HO scale locomotive incorporating features and detailing that has never been provided before in this scale. With that in mind, I set out asking for input from knowledgeable modelers and collectors about their impressions of what were the best HO scale locomotives produced to date after which examples of some of those models were sought out for in-hand review. I have gone to the extent of disassembling multiple models to inspect the internal components used in the drive mechanisms and was really surprised with what I found. Quite frankly, some of the comments or complaints that I had heard about specific HO models didn't make sense until I did the thorough hands-on review. I don't want to 'call out' any specific models or makers, but I have reached several important conclusions, the most important of which is to avoid the use of plastic in our new Challenger drive mechanism. If it were possible to simply use the same approach we have used with our O scale models in the design and construction of our first HO project that would be great, but there are obviously restrictions in that approach due to size which is why the evaluation process of past and current HO production models has been so important. I again put out the request for input on the subject of problems experienced with past and current HO scale offerings. If you choose to provide your valuable input your name will be held in confidence, avoiding predictable problems is the only important aspect of this request. 9/20/18 - I was obviously very pleased with the research and design work that was completed for the O scale Challenger that I produced, but the research has continued ever seeking improvements. With the great similarities between the late Challengers and the Big Boy class locomotives, the research work that has been undertaken for our O scale Big Boy in now informing the design work on the HO Challenger. Detail refinements are being made to both the locomotive and tender designs and additional detail is being added as well. I have long understood that research on any given prototype is never complete and it's very important to stay open to 'learning' if there is a serious interest in doing the best projects possible. 8/22/18 - I have had a number of questions regarding the DCC/DC electronics we will use in our HO Challenger and I would like to clarify the basic compatibility of the system. The electronics will function on either DCC or standard DC power and regardless of the power source, the sound portion of the system will function seamlessly switching simply when placed on the track and power is applied. There will be no need for adjustments or changing plugs, this is the same type of system used in our O scale Challenger. 7/08/18 - As a result of my recent trip overseas and discussions with numerous builders, a final selection has been made for this project. It was extremely important based on the specifications set out that each aspect of the project design was discussed and the feasibility agreed to before beginning the formal project development. With confidence that the project as conceived is 'doable', I can push forward with the promotion and further development leading to the beginning of the reservation process. 5/19/18 - Although I have already developed a unique set of specifications for this project, I am certainly open to suggestions and ideas that may not have already been considered. Please let me know if there is something that you feel should be included in this production. As with our O scale projects, I eagerly encourage your feedback preferably before it's too late. 5/13/18 - The planning for our first HO project continues and the builder selection is nearer now based on the most recent discussions. One more trip overseas to view critical sample parts for the most uniques features of the project that are critical in my mind for even doing the project and the selection will be made. In the meantime, a new project promotional flyer has been added to the project site and can be downloaded from the Project Download page. More news will be coming very soon. 4/25/18 - Just a brief update to let those interested know that the first round of quotes from builders has been completed. I am very encouraged by the response from the builders approached, their level of interest and desire to set a new upper standard for locomotives in HO scale has been seemingly very sincere. In-person discussion is the next step in the process and will be part of placing not only this project with a builder, but several other projects that have been under development. This is all part of the endeavor to expand our production capacity as I have described in General News postings elsewhere on our website. A brochure for this project will be made available very soon and will be available for download on the project site, watch for the update soon. 3/21/18 - I have had some questions about the versions of this project that we plan. It is correct that we plan to include the Rio Grande and Clinchfield versions. Eventually I will include rendered GOD's of each version on this site so everyone can see the detail differences between each version, you can also refer the photos of the final production models from our O scale project included on that project site. 3/15/18 - The question has ready arisen regarding the difference between the number of versions shown on the project information page (8) and on the Update page above (14). The are eight (8) basic versions, but to accommodate the configuration variations needed to represent any of the possible road numbers in the prototype construction groups, it requires a total of fourteen (14) total variations including the sub-groups within the eight basic versions. The differences in the sub-groups are items such as piping arrangements hardware variations and things as basic as the shape of various sheet metal parts. Additional reference will be provided in due course. 3/12/18 - As of this date, we are in the beginning stages of launching our first HO scale project and I'm certain that there are some modelers/collectors scratching their heads asking why. For those individuals, I encourage you to read the posts from approximately the last half of last year on our General News 2017 Update page and also the information presented on the Art of Brass Models page if you already haven't. I have worked very hard over the years to set a new standard in the O scale segment of the hobby and I have often 'toyed' with the idea of an HO project just to see how much more could be accomplished beyond the best models of the day. There have been a number of modelers that have made the switch from HO to our O scale models due to their greater detail and quality, I've listened to their comments about the ever rising cost with little change in the features or quality offered as a result. DCC technology has certainly made an impact on the hobby in general, but after reviewing some of the best HO steam locomotive models produced in recent time, I had to question why an effort had not been made to seriously advance the art along with the price. The beginning information presented regarding this project has been presented to builders to gain their feedback regarding whether my expectations were realistic or not and they were eager for the challenge, understanding that this was an opportunity to make their 'mark' in the hobby. So, we set out to establish a new standard in HO scale. While our planning continues, the information provided so far may change a bit before reservation opportunities are provided. I encourage suggestions and comments, all will be considered. |